‘Kwart Liter’ by Arjan Willemsen (NL)
Length 11cm – Weight 30gram – with rattle
Slowsinking. Type Jerkbait.
One of (if not the) first jerkbait made in hard plastic was the legendary ‘Halve Liter’ by Arjan. After downsizing this now iconic jerkbait, the smaller version was named the ‘Kwart Liter’ (1/4 Litre).
Fish the ‘Kwart Liter’ with small twitches with each time giving it some room to make its gliding left and right. With little effort this jerkbait will preform the best and can be fished by anyone!
An iconic lure when fish prefer something just that little bit smaller.
Arjan Willemsen has been an influence in lurebuilding and pikefishing for centuries. Known as the creator of the first lures in hard plastic and an inspiration for lurebuilders and fisherman across countries. Some of his designs have been copied many times over and up to today his creations still catch fish everywhere they are in the water.
Running depth approx. 0.5 m.
Best fished over shallow water and weedbeds.
This lure suits beginner and pro.
Leader advice: Fluocarbon, titanium or jerkbaitleader.
Will be delivered without hooks. Hook advice 1.